Perignonic! r radioblogclub / quicktime player here. =)
The one and only!

name - Lim Jun Wei, Ivan\Perignonic
birthday - 08 November 1988
age - 23+
starsign - Scorpio(Sun/moon)/Earthen Dragon
status - Single
school - LianHua Primary, Henderson Secondary, ITE MacPherson
class - Singapore citizen, HIV NEGATIVE
loves - Food, Going out with friends/cousins, Helping Others, Lego, Making friends, My PS2, PSP, 3DS and my iPhone4, My one and only Mum, Shopping, Singing, Talking, Tanning...
wishList - Acne-Free Face(99%), Get Fit(With ABS)
currently - Looking for a proper job so i can further my studies!
About me - a young man who likes singing/listening to music, likes watching funny movies and plays(Chestnuts). Blogging is a form of 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH' if you don't understand the word please spare yourself some time and google it.

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/ Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Rockman EXE Stream: Progress Pet - Forte Cross Model (Takara)

From the newest Rockman series, Rockman EXE Stream, these are the new Progress Pets. This set comes with Forte Progress Pet, an operate stick, 1 Navi Chip, 5 Battle Chips, and a link cable. We will get more info on these products.

Price: $69.95

Busting Navi Selection Vol. 1 - Random Box (Takara)

From the newest Rockman series, Rockman EXE Stream, these are random boxes that contain random mini 1-2" figures and random chips to be used with the Progress Pets. There is a possible of 6 different figures you can get, each one comes with a specific chip. There are 2 versions of each figure, color version and metallic version. We are not sure if there are different color variations or secret characters. The possible figures are as follows: 1. Cross Fushion Rockman + Falling Stars Chip, 2. Blues Soul + Nail Barrier Chip, 3. Rockman + Wideshot 2 Chip, 4. Blues + Long Sword Chip, 5. Search Man + Circle Gun Chip, 6. Magnet Man + Thunder Plasma Chip.. Click here to see an image of the possible figures as found on the side of the box.

Price: $9.95

Busting Navi Selection Vol. 2 - Random Box (Takara)

From the newest Rockman series, Rockman EXE Stream, these are random boxes that contain random mini 1-2" figures and random chips to be used with the Progress Pets. There is a possible of 6 different figures you can get, each one comes with a specific chip. There are 2 versions of each figure, color version and metallic version. We are not sure if there are different color variations or secret characters. Click here to see an image of the possible figures as found on the side of the box.

Price: $9.95

Busting Navi Selection Vol. 2.5 - Random Box (Takara)

From the newest Rockman series, Rockman EXE Stream, these are random boxes that contain random mini 1-2" figures and random chips to be used with the Progress Pets. There is a possible of 6 different figures you can get, each one comes with a specific chip. There are 2 versions of each figure, color version and metallic version. We are not sure if there are different color variations or secret characters. Click here to see an image of the possible figures as found on the side of the box.

Price: $9.95

Progress Pet Keeper (Takara)

From the newest Rockman series, Rockman EXE Stream, this is the Progress Pet Keeper. It is a case that you connect to your belt hoop. The case itself can carry your Progress Pet and about 5-6 Battle Chips. This Progress Pet Keeper also comes with Force Gun Battle Chip.

Price: $19.95

Rockman EXE Axess:
Advanced Pet Netto Ver. - Blue (Takara)

HOT ITEM!! These are new high quality Rockman Advanced Pets from the new Rockman series, Rockman EXE Axess. These Advanced Pets come in 2 versions. Looks different than the plugin pets, but uses the same method of chips. Get yours now before they're all gone!

This product has a 7 day warranty.

Price: $59.95

Rockman EXE: Plugin Pet (Blue) VERY LIMITED!!

These are high quality Rockman Plugin Pets, direct from Japan. These electronic pets comes with different chips to help your Plugin Pets.

Click here for the image of the packaging.


This product has a 7 day warranty.

Price: $129.95


Robin :P hehe... i got do homework on my favourite things de... heheheh...

Below, rockman EXE ish Digimon newest digivice~~~~ a MUST BUY TOO!! lol..

数码加速器 - 正义DNA

2005年3月25日 发售

  • [进化图鉴]

数码加速器 - 邪恶DNA

2005年3月25日 发售

  • [进化图鉴]

自然DNA - 森林

自然DNA - 大地

自然DNA - 海洋

自然DNA - 天空
数码加速器 - 自然DNA

2005年7月下旬 发售

  • [资讯情报]
    大地多刺兽 スピノモンスピノ [名]spinode尖点
    海洋海神兽 ネプトゥーンモンネプトゥヌス [名]neptunus尼普顿(波塞顿)
    天空圣光兽 ヴァロドゥルモンbaldur [名]北欧光神
    森林墨丘利兽 メルクリモンメルクリウス [名]mercure墨丘利(赫尔墨斯)

  • [资讯情报] 官方公开奥林波斯12神之中的2尊!!

  • [进化图鉴]

* 波塞顿:奥林波斯十二神之一,[罗马名]尼普顿。海皇,宙斯兄长,同为克罗诺斯和瑞亚之子。手持三叉戟,有被描写成半人半鱼外形,能呼风唤雨。
* 赫尔墨斯:奥林波斯十二神之一,[罗马名]墨丘利。宙斯与阿特拉斯的女儿迈亚所生之子。脚生双翼,速度如飞,成为天界众神传令的使者,后为旅人、商人、盗贼的保护神。

数码加速器 - 究极DNA

2005年11月下旬 发售

  • [资讯情报]
    红色机型 - 皇家武士 - 颅骨兽
    蓝色机型 - 七大魔王 - X堕天地狱兽

/now that you are done reading, any comments?
11:59 PM
