Perignonic! r radioblogclub / quicktime player here. =)
The one and only!

name - Lim Jun Wei, Ivan\Perignonic
birthday - 08 November 1988
age - 23+
starsign - Scorpio(Sun/moon)/Earthen Dragon
status - Single
school - LianHua Primary, Henderson Secondary, ITE MacPherson
class - Singapore citizen, HIV NEGATIVE
loves - Food, Going out with friends/cousins, Helping Others, Lego, Making friends, My PS2, PSP, 3DS and my iPhone4, My one and only Mum, Shopping, Singing, Talking, Tanning...
wishList - Acne-Free Face(99%), Get Fit(With ABS)
currently - Looking for a proper job so i can further my studies!
About me - a young man who likes singing/listening to music, likes watching funny movies and plays(Chestnuts). Blogging is a form of 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH' if you don't understand the word please spare yourself some time and google it.

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/ Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Let's see, Miss April Lin insists that I'm the culprit that started THAT stupid thing.
Well guess what? no, i'm not the one, so sorry to break your heart.

She also states at i'm the one who insulted Mister Robin Tan first.
like HELLO? if i didn't delete those messages would you like you read them? you should thank god i'm using iphone so you don't have to find, just scroll :)

AND, this is what she wrote on his note telling me this;

"but i hope tat u dun quarrel wif robin since nitec we know for years le dun be so xiaoqi la.. robin behave mature than u alot of ppl will agree about it..."
April Lin at 11:26pm February 15

Prove to me please, would a mature guy behave like, i don't know, a kid outside Powerhouse chasing after me? or even, gets emotional when with his friends and walk off? so whos the petty one here?

please know where you're heading to before you speak. if i was the petty one, do you think i would go PLAY when he's there? oh wait i will, cause my lover is there. and whoes the one who told my lover that this was the last chance he's giving me if i don't talk to him we're no longer friends?

"but in the first place if u dun write those note to robin nth will happen"
April Lin at 1:04am February 16


April Lin wrote at 11:37am
"but u insult robin in ur blog i mean not in facebook ..."

if you meant the post on Jan. 18th, 2009, you might want to reconfirm things, who stated what, anyways the messages have been delete since, so long ago and not bother and few of them has read the messages and LAUGHED till silly, clearly mister Robin has misunderstood my messages sent to him.

so, is there anything else you would like to debate abuot miss Lin?

IF NOT, just let this matter go, if it doesn't i still have ways. believe me, you don't wanna know who, what, when, where, why. many years before NiTEC :)

/now that you are done reading, any comments?
11:59 PM
