Perignonic! r radioblogclub / quicktime player here. =)
The one and only!

name - Lim Jun Wei, Ivan\Perignonic
birthday - 08 November 1988
age - 23+
starsign - Scorpio(Sun/moon)/Earthen Dragon
status - Single
school - LianHua Primary, Henderson Secondary, ITE MacPherson
class - Singapore citizen, HIV NEGATIVE
loves - Food, Going out with friends/cousins, Helping Others, Lego, Making friends, My PS2, PSP, 3DS and my iPhone4, My one and only Mum, Shopping, Singing, Talking, Tanning...
wishList - Acne-Free Face(99%), Get Fit(With ABS)
currently - Looking for a proper job so i can further my studies!
About me - a young man who likes singing/listening to music, likes watching funny movies and plays(Chestnuts). Blogging is a form of 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH' if you don't understand the word please spare yourself some time and google it.

Please leave a message!

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Worries / Friday, March 27, 2009
School or work? some may ask, you must be prepared and brave yourself for whatever that may come.

okay firstly, i need money. Secondly i wanna study too.

i wanna step into the entertainment scene and i've been doing some searching for the past few weeks =\

it seems so hard to find one, and looking at some of the models pictures on a website named 'Eleganz' a modeling agency, i'm sure i won't get in because i'm no match for those male models there!

i don't have the looks and stuff, then. i thought to myself, maybe i should go study overseas, but it'll be unfair for 'I' because 'I' won't be able to see me as well =\

sigh~ studying now is so so hard to find, i wanna work for the media industry also hard :(

wanna be a EXTRA/CALEFARE also hard to find and i must say, i don't have much confidence in myself for being a good looking, charming person.

hmmm, me going for talentime? maybe, but i'm sure i can even qualify to the next round! HAHA!

even male escorts out there have better looks, so how am i going to compete with them?!

sigh, maybe i should just work in pubs like i used to and see where i can go from there =\

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2:50 PM


once i took over for my duty i was very very bored that i forgot that i bought my NDS with me, i instantly took naps all the way till lunch time and started playing my NDS, till now i'm still playing with my NDS and blogging at the same time.. haha!

and i'm going to sleep soon =\

sigh~ i wanna meet 'I' but something seems to be very weird, we're just plain busy with our stuff.

i don't wana go town tomorrow because i'll be darn tired and my bag will be uber heavy so no to town. but 'I' will be busy during the weekends as well =\

maybe i should take this weekened to go find my dad and help him a little to earn so cash for me to pay my Starhub bill as well as for my own pocket =)

anyone wanna donate me some? :P

haha! just kidding.

i'm glad that i have 'I', just wish that things don't turn sour again. ever.

things are still doing good, as long as we're not quarreling.

Oh and about the Ringtone, what i meant was i'm going to cut the song and make it for iPhone only. since that is when i know how to do for now :P

/now that you are done reading, any comments?
12:16 AM


Love Letter To Japan (Singapore) Please! / Thursday, March 26, 2009
yes i know. why am i sup so early?!

or instead why am i not asleep?!

erm, i slept at 9pm and woke up now thats why!!! :P

oh yeah you guys should give The Bird and The Bee a try! cute indie song, very retro dressing too :P

"Love Letter To Japan"

go find and get funkie! :X

it's such a nice soing i heard it yesterday while watching Martha Steward's show, and they sang this song >.< goodness! so nice!!!

it's now on my iPhone :D

gonna make it my Ringtone soon :X

but i prefer my one missed call :P

hehe, anyone wanna be my first trial user for my next "Love Letter To Japan" tone?


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3:57 AM


/ Friday, March 20, 2009

In my loving memory, Dino.

You were there for me when that family left me to rot, ill never forget you.

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6:03 PM


/ Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Hmmm... perphaps i should post A LITTLE bit more here, till then you guys can check out some of the latest updates about me at

heh, but defiantly i will post pictures onto my FB or LJ then here :)

more privacy, so if you guys wanna look at those pictures you can find some preview on my LJ/LiveJournal, if not, you guys ARE really MISSING OUT stuff :)

i'm sure i don't have any porno stuff popping around here :) this blog is meant to be read by all kind of ages.

and please if you wanna know more about me, don't just look at my Livejournal page, you can add me as friends so when there's a update you'll know about it.

i have my reasons for doing that.


of course i will update here once in a while and make things simple for you readers out there :)

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11:10 PM


/ Sunday, March 08, 2009
i finally found my favorite pet dog's picture!!!! my lovely dog DINO!

good god! i miss him so much lo!!!!! especially when there is a thunder storm or lightning he'll run to me first and wants me to comfort him :D


but my dad said they gave him away since i left the house, which i don't was true. i suspected that he ran away =\


i wonder how is he now =\

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4:42 PM


swimming trunks not allowed for the BEACH?! WTF! / Monday, March 02, 2009
OMG. have you guys read THE NEW PAPER?!

this is ridiculous, swimming trunks indecent?! what the hell are they thinking?! so sun tanners can't tann their full body anymore? it's not like the old man was nude or wearing torn trunks what!

imagine this, you girls, you wear bikini by the beach and get fined for wearing them, then whats the point? might as well ban us from buying any swimwear. my god! what will happen to all the beach lovers then?

tann on top of their roof? sheesh, some people are just plain funny sometimes. i wonder what will happen to sentosa if this craziness spread.

neon green trunks unfashionable or you don't know how or where to wear them?! i have 1 and i don't seem it's ugly. oh how about purple? or pink trunks then?

if neon gren was unfashionable i think you're fashionless, yoyu may be older then me but that doesn't mean you can judge what colour of trunks we wear. who do you think you are? President for trunks colour?

people wear them because they feel nice and like them. if not why some wear bikini while some wear plain black swimming suit?

if not why don't you say some women/men just don't look nice on business suit? or uniform? or all the branded clothes? eg. prada, LV, D&G?

why don't you fine people who just don't look nice with them?

DUH! things you guys have done ._." really funny and dumb sometimes. i wear what i like and you can't stop me.

i don't show off those trunks if i don't have the minimal shape lor. i'm not like some people kays.

respect the daring ones for they have done things that normal ones dare not.

PS. look for my picture where i was with a group of friends and i'm wearing it.


well, F**k YOU!

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8:02 AM
