Perignonic! r radioblogclub / quicktime player here. =)
The one and only!

name - Lim Jun Wei, Ivan\Perignonic
birthday - 08 November 1988
age - 23+
starsign - Scorpio(Sun/moon)/Earthen Dragon
status - Single
school - LianHua Primary, Henderson Secondary, ITE MacPherson
class - Singapore citizen, HIV NEGATIVE
loves - Food, Going out with friends/cousins, Helping Others, Lego, Making friends, My PS2, PSP, 3DS and my iPhone4, My one and only Mum, Shopping, Singing, Talking, Tanning...
wishList - Acne-Free Face(99%), Get Fit(With ABS)
currently - Looking for a proper job so i can further my studies!
About me - a young man who likes singing/listening to music, likes watching funny movies and plays(Chestnuts). Blogging is a form of 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH' if you don't understand the word please spare yourself some time and google it.

Please leave a message!

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/ Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Yeps, been busy recently, if you did check my Facebook you'll noticed that i uploaded 2 new videos of me and my long time no see god brother from malaysia at KBOW singing songs :)

he's cute and all :)

sorry i have no interest in my family members, including god-families.

either way, that Feminist Mentor A.K.A Thiomophobic better think properly on what to say if the new EXCO from AWARE has 1 more press conference, if not the new AWARE would just be another trash.

like i mentioned in my Livejournal.

Like it or not, Humans are meant to live be it Gay, Straight Or Bisexual.

if we can live in harmony then too bad, why don't you make a new island, called the New Singapore(PURELY STRIAGHTS ONLY)?

and they name one called SinGAYpore?
how about STRAIGapore?
Then SingaBI?

You wanna live in a world without Gays? can.. you make a world only with you alone, that'll help.

you know why? cause there'll be no males to breed with you.
then you won't have children, and your children won't have children because if they have it'll be incest.
and when they get bored of the opposite SEX they tend to go for the not-so-crossed-route.
then they'll get homosexual behaviour, and opps, by that time you're already DEAD! too late to start the 377A in your own world! HOW SAD!

Question: During the First Olympics what did the men wore?
Answer: Nothing.

Question: When did homosexuality first started?
Answer: maybe longer then the ancient time.

Oh wait, am I destroying your 'oh-i-am-so-aware' mind now?

Same sex relationship has made it's mark during the ancient times, sure you can't lie to yourself saying there's no such things right?

so why don't we work things out.

You, the feminist mentor, denounce the new excos of AWARE, admit your mistakes and we'll leave that part of history aside.


We can make this part of your everyday life, you'll see at least 1 same-sex couple nearby wherever you live/work.

When one is in love, nothing can make them part.
unless they are sick of each other that is, just like straight couples.

so, Stop the Anti-gay agenda or face it, you never know if your children or grandchildren will turn GAY or not.

either way you can't change them, it's their life.

I'm ending here.


/now that you are done reading, any comments?
10:22 AM


video uploaded / Monday, April 06, 2009

for those who are friends on my facebook can see my videos, the those that can't see jus add me in FB :)

/now that you are done reading, any comments?
2:47 AM


/ Sunday, April 05, 2009
can anyone get into Livejournal?

or is it down?!


except here! will post things soon! stay tuned!

/now that you are done reading, any comments?
11:44 PM


/ Thursday, April 02, 2009
I just have to salute them. Dancing. While. Serving. Terms. And. Being. Famous. goodness. when they are free they can be backup dancers for the young and well, for the old, then can be dance instructors for the fellow new inmates.. Below's Nobody in also done by the inmates, 5 drags and it's very entertaining:) they even did lip sync! how cool is that?! i'm not talking about normal drags. there's lots more from byronfgarcia the person who posted the videos :) enjoy!

/now that you are done reading, any comments?
12:05 AM
